Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Stag Weekend

Had a fantastic weekend, the one that traditionally marks your last night of freedom. We went to Liverpool on the Friday, initially for a few quiet drinks ahead of a 5-a-side football session on the Saturday but as is usually the case, had too many and woke up a little worse for wear. However, the football went ahead as planned with a few casualties so we played 4-a-side, knock out pairs and knock out threes.

Taking it past John with consumate ease

Slotting it past Neil for a fine individual goal

Being dumped on my backside (notice how everybody's rushing to help!)

The only serious casualty apart from a few grazes and small knocks was Jen's brother Ian who dislocated his ankle and ended up with ligament damage. Still, it didn't dampen the evening's entertainment too much as we headed back to the hotel to watch Leeds get relegated before heading out for the main evening's drinking. A few pubs and a chinese followed by a few more pubs took us to Crazy House, an indie rock club that was absolutely the dogs testes. I don't think I bought a drink all night, at one stage struggling with 4 bottles and trying to dance.

Struggling but having fun

Having a sing song!

I can't help being irresistable!

So all in all it was a cracking weekend enjoyed by all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey mate, sounds like you had a brilliant time on the do - looking forward to buying you a well deserved pint on the 18th mate - see you then :o)

1:10 PM  

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