Sunday, February 25, 2007

Jen's having no luck with her car

We had a lovely night out last night at one of Jen's workmate's engagement party. We decided to stay at the Ibis in Rotherham so we could both drive and the evening was great, had plenty of beers at the pub (forgotten the name) and then went back to their place for a few more, arriving back at the hotel at about 3am. Woke up and left the hotel doors at about 11am with plans to go and get some junk food and watch Sky Movies all day...until we got to the car. Some little scrotum had smashed the window in, nothing stolen, they'd not even bothered to open the glove compartment, just smashed the window. Phoned the police, who for once were great, the hotel had CCTV cameras pointed at the car all night so were reviewing the footage, but the real kick in the nuts is the insurance company. AA will only allow one glass claim per year and the car window was put through last April. the result is a £157 bill for absolutely no reason. I really hope they catch the little shits because it really leaves you with a sense of injustice that your hard earned cash is pissed away due to those little tossers. Right, rant over...but I really would love to get my hands on them.

Supposed to be playing football tomorrow evening but may have to pull out through injury. My return to 5-a-side action was marred last Monday by a last minute knock to the ribs (the source of my last two football-related injuries) and it still hurts. I think I may have pulled/strained/torn a muscle or something because it's certainly not broken or bruised. It feels better today so I'll see how it goes.

Watched "King King" this afternoon which was a bit overlong (rather like this posting so I'll wrap it up in a moment). Entertaining but the endless dinosaur attacks went on a little bit for my liking, great ending though. Jens' downstairs watching last night's "Casualty" on Teleport (strangely my suggestion of "Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires" that's just started on The Horror Channel was turned down flat), nothign left to do but wait for Autoglass...

"Life On Mars" Gene Hunt quote of the day...

Ray: "I think it was a heart attack."
Gene: "Then it must have exploded out of his arse 'cos he's got blood all over his back."


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