Sunday, February 18, 2007

A Good weekend

The weekend started well with the addition, finally, of SKY Movies to our TV package. We got a great deal because of VirginMedia's takeover of Telewest, we rang them, told them we were thinking of moving to SKY and they fell over themselves trying to keep us. We got all 12 movie and cinema channels, plus the Talk Anytime phone package for just an extra fiver a month! Bargain!!! Already taken advantage by watching a lovely little film from Danny Boyle called "Millions", had never heard of it before, and Nicholas Cage movie "National Treasure" which I was quite surprised with. I was expecting a "Tomb Raider" type of movie but it probably had more in common with "Mission Impossible". Not bad at all.

We spent Saturday night at Rachel and Simon's, complete with the usual array of beers and Si cooked a superb meal. Rachel is an RSPCA officer and took two abandoned puppies in as their own, they're great fun to play with although they've no respect for other people's safety. Both decided to jump on me at the same time and in their excitement, trod on my head drawing blood. Fortunately I was three sheets to the wind at the time and didn't feel a thing but all in all a great weekend.

"LIFE ON MARS" Gene Hunt quote of the day...

Sam: "This place is like Guantanamo Bay."
Gene: "Come off it, it's nothing like Spain."


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