Monday, January 15, 2007

Wedding plans

Things are begining to gather momentum on the wedding front. Having already sorted out Jen's dress, the bridesmaid's dresses, venue, marriage certificates and all that stuff, we've not got my suit sorted out. It'll be tails, a pale green waistcoat (to match the bridesmaid's dresses), matching cravatte and ivory shirt. It looks very nice and was very much a no hassle shop we got it from. We've also finally ordered the invite and sorted out the wedding present list (opened an account with Debenhams), so we'll be booking an appointment to attack the store with a scanner in what'll feel like something out of Supermarket Sweep.

Had the future inlaws round for a meal. Jen made a lovely Thai Red curry, prawns for Jen and her mum, chicken for me and Mike and it was very nice indeed. Drinks wise we probably shouldn't have consumed as much as we did, cracking open the Amaretto and pouring it into one of the glasses Jen's mum bought us, she was hell bent on making me take a photo of it to put on my blog, so here it is...

Then I got started on the White Russians as Jen and her mum carried on with the white wine, G and T's, red wine and whatever else they could find as Mike sat there nursing a single red wine because he was driving. Running out of music to put on, my choice of DJ Shadow probablty finished the evening there and then, they left at 2.30am so, still with a full White Russian, me and Jen sat down to watch a Teleported episode of "Spaced" before going to bed.

To coninue with the White Russian theme and conclude my blogging for the day:

"The Big Lebowski" quote of the day...

"Mmmm, nice Marmot"


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