Saturday, February 03, 2007

Another celebrity date

Not content with dining with The Arctic Monkeys last weekend, this weekend me and Jen are going to the wedding of the fella you see in the above picture! Jen used to work at HSBC in Sheffield and one of her workmates was seeing one half of Jive Bunny, they got married a few weeks ago in Antihua and we've been invited to the reception this evening at Aston Hall. Apparently he's very embarrassed talking about his previous guise as a cartoon character but it obviously still pays the bills.

Anyway, remembering Jive Bunny got me thinking about other 80's/90's bands/people who have been forgotten and wondered if anybody can recall this fella (left). I personally think he may have overestimated the length of his time in the limelight by 51 weeks but it was a good tunes and I have very fond memories of listening to it. Never likely to grace many radio playlists today but a forgotten gem all the same.
Can somebody put some bog roll in the loo, I've just had to wipe my arse on Francis Lee"


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