Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Kids: Evil or lovable?

I have to go in a little early today because Naz is talking to a school full of kids about the work we do. Now, I told him that I'd rather not do it because kids at junior school level terrify me. The last time I went to do an interview with a class full of 9 year olds was when the youngsters at Newbold Junior School took part in a firework safety initiative. We'd just got a new minidisc player and it wouldn't work, so whilst I was their fumbling around with it, doing a great impression of a dad who can't work a video recorder, the teacher made them recite their 8 x tables! She might as well have kicked me in the nuts! All the kids just stared at me which was most unnerving. If only I'd known the power children have over adults when I was a kid I'd have got more Star Wars figures...

It's a late one as well tonight because Chesterfield are playing Chester in the Johnstones Paint Trophy (why didn't they just come out and call it the Tin Pot Tournament?). Speaking of football, another great defeat for Leeds last night, didn't see that one coming. Thank god we didn't get promoted last season, we'd still be looking for our first goal.


"How many of yoos lot know that song by Blackfoot Sue, "I'm Standing in the Road", was penned by the burley physio of non-league Farnborough Town" (Improv Workshop Mimeshow Gobshite)


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