
Plenty of people have banged on about the amount of good she's done and that she's done a good deed but adopting one Malawian child isn't going to help. It's the equivalent of trying to help countries affected by famine by taking one of them out to dinner, the problem remains but one person is better off. Of course the big winner is Madonna because we're all talking about her, although one thing does bother me. Rocco and Lourdes have such weird names so why adopt a child from the other side of the world called Dave?
Got a big weekend of drinking to look forward to, there's the calendar launch tomorrow night in Chesterfield. It's a naked calendar in aid of The Genesis Appeal, raising money for research into the prevention of Breast Cancer. I'm in it, along with my male colleagues at work, a picture where we're all taking part in a tug of war. It was a strange and possibly traumatic experience that involved stripping to my bare arse in the middle of a farmers field at the end of October to have a photo taken. What made it even worse is that because I'm near the back and it was taken front on, all you can see is my head. I could have had a boiler suit on and still looked naked so I went through all that for nothing. Of course it wasn't for nothing, it is a good cause and we hope to top last years total of £22,000.
Then Rachel and Simon are coming over on Saturday night and me and Si normally get through a lot of beers. Unfortunately I'm down to work on Sunday morning, but I'm going to see if I can get out of it, maybe talk one of the freelancers into covering for me. There'll certainly be lots to talk about during my next session of bloggage!
"Apart from on commentary where else on earth can you hear the word 'aplomb' being used?" (Keeping Two Chevrons Apart)
Certainly not during general conversation...
Night, night
Loving the site mate, keep up the bloggage! PS: Pamela's brother actually owns a Dukla Prague away kit! How cool is that?
Take it easy
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