Monday, November 13, 2006

It's not the winning...

Went to the dogs on Saturday night, partly to celebrate Emma and Neil's engagement (congratulations to both of them), but also to see if our luck was in. It wasn't! Me and jen won the princely sum of £1.63, of course I use the term 'won' loosely because I've not factored in the £30 or so we spent/gambled/pissed up the money tree in the process. However, good fun had by all.

Not the best one to back!

Still, it paved the way for a lazy Sunday (do they come any other way?) with just Jen, the TV and Teleport as company, not forgetting lamb chops. Shame the dark spectre of work loomed as nightfall fell like Didier Drogba in the penalty area.

Half Man Half Biscuit Lyric of the Day...

"There is nothing better in life, than writing on the sole of your slipper with a biro."

To true my friends, too true...


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