Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What am I turning into?

I used to be able to watch the scariest horror films, frighten myself with reading tales of terror and revel in listening to spooky ghost stories but I'm beginning to doubt myself. Jen's away with work this week and I've turned into a complete wet lettuce. I've found that, unless Jen is there with me, I have to sleep with the landing light on! Every person who passes by talking outside is about to break into my house, the people laughing as they take a late night stroll are all trying to steal my car and whenever my neighbours move around next door, it's a madman creeping up the stairs. I need to get a grip of myself!

The creature you see on the left was outside my bedroom door last night, until I turned the light on and it turned into a woodlouse. I even had a dream last night that I blew up my place of work by opening a bottle of milk, I never used to have dreams like that! Please come back Jen, I love you...


"Brian Moore's head look uncannily like London Planetarium" (Dickie Davis Eyes)

London Planetarium

Brian Moore


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