Thursday, November 29, 2007

Runners - who do they think they are?

When you walk across the road as a pedestrian, there are certain unwritten rules you know you should abide by. The first is obvious, if there's a car coming, STOP! Seems like common sense, so why is it that as soon as a presumably intelligent person dons a pair of shorts, a flourescent top and quickens that walk into a quick jog, do they suddenly think those rules no longer apply.

How many times has a prat, most likely dressed as above, ran in front of your car, held there hand up at you without looking (presumably so they can't see you frantically swearing and making hand gestures at them after you've had to perform an emergency stop) only to be follwed by 40 clones ensuring you can't continue that journey for a full five minutes? How do these people get through life? Do they just waltz into the middle of the road when dressed in civilian attire? Do they tell their kids that it's not only safe to walk in front of cars but you can run in front of them as well? Or has natural selection saved us all the headache and prevented them from having children?

Of course they've got a very good reason for not stopping havn't they...THEY MIGHT GET COLD!!!! Well f*ck me you'd better carry on running in front of cars on a main road without looking, you might catch a chill otherwise and us motororist wouldn't want that on our conscience would we...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Zone Horror

It's been a while but I've finally begun re-posting on, my sister blog about horror films, after having taped the Italian zombie triple bill last Halloween. Now most of you will know that horror films are a passion of mine and i'll be updating this site with a lot more frequency than before having caught the bug again thanks to the fantastic channel that is Zone Horror. Jen hates it but I believe it's getting better and it shows the sort of pure horror that I used to watch in my formative years instead of bollocks like "Hide and Seek" or the remake of "The Fog".

Anyway, the gist is that if you like horror films and want to know more about them, stick this little page on your favourites, read and learn!