Saturday, June 30, 2007

Let's all laugh at Tottenham!!!

I can't help feeling Spurs have overpaid for this man (shown above being beaten in teh air by the footballing bohemoth Christian Dailly). Lets look at the facts...

1. He only scored 10 goals in open play last season! Fair enough it was for a team that went down but I can remember Fabrizio Ravanelli hitting more than 30 when Middlesbrough went down one year and Spurs didn't pay £16.5m for him.

2. Fair enough he'sd got youth on his side, but so did Michael Ricketts when he looked like becomming England's next best thing.

3. They beat West Ham to his signature, another team that's got more money than morals.

Tottenham seem to think that if a player's under 23 then he's an attractive proposition, but where has it got them so far? 5th! But that's football at the moment isn't it? 5th might as well be winning the league because you can guarantee every year that Chelsea, Manure, Quiverpool and the Arse will occupy the top 4 spots (in fact they would consider a major crisis to finish 5th, signing Bent or otherwise.
To highlight the fact, Bent went for more money than Thierry Henry! Football's finally lost touch with reality.

"Life on Mars" DCI Gene Hunt quote of the day...

"It doesn't take a degree in applied bollocks to know what's going on."

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Floody Hell!!!

Well I've never seen anything quite like it. An entire city brought to its knees after experiencing a month and a half's worth of rainfall in 24 hours, it really was an incredible couple of days in the steel city. We got off quite lightly, losing power for 48 hours was nothing compared to what happened to the people in Brightside, Winn Gardens, Chapeltown and is still happening in Catcliffe. Even having said that, a river burst its banks just 100 yards from our house.

That's the River Loxley, usually nothing more than a trickle, promoted to raging torrent due to an act of god. Many people have said it's the greenhouse effect, others have blamed a lack of flood defence, some even blame the authorities for a lack of warning, I say 24 hours of pissing rain will do that. It was the following day, Tuesday, that was the really surreal experience. I was on an early shift and driving along Penistone (no laughing at the back there) Road it was like the opening of "28 Days Later". There were cars strewn all over the dual carriageway, left abandoned, litter blowing across the mud-drenched wasteland, military vehicles, ambulances and sirens tearing down the deserted streets. That mental image will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Really, a day I will NEVER forget, the day of The Great Flood...